Liars never prosper.

Lying gets you nowhere, especially during job interviews.

Some people get so caught up in the pursuit of a certain job, they’re willing to stretch, bend, and even break the truth in order to sound like an ideal candidate.

Needless to say, that fibbing will catch up with you eventually.

If you’re a good liar, you could risk losing your job later on, once your ruse is discovered. If you’re a bad liar, the interviewer might just pick up on your sketchy vibes during the interview itself.

Here are a few phrases and questions to avoid if you don't want to sound dishonest during a job interview.

1. 'I don't have weaknesses'

Yes, you do. Claiming not to have shortcomings just makes you come across as arrogant - not to mention dishonest.

2. 'What are grounds for termination?'

It's not a good idea to get the interviewer thinking about firing you before they've even hired you. This just makes you sound untrustworthy.

3. 'My only weakness is that I work too hard'

Oh, come on. Show some self-awareness when you're asked about your greatest weakness. Claiming you work too hard - even if it's true - sounds totally phony.

4. 'Oh yea, I'm really good at that .... and that ... and that ... and that' or, 'I agree ... I agree ... I agree'

If you make yourself sound too good to be true, the hiring manager will be skeptical. You may be telling the truth, but you'll probably come off as a liar if you agree with everything the hiring manager says, or claim to be an expert at every skill they mention.

5. 'Do you monitor emails or internet usage?'

This question will raise red flags - something you definitely don't want to do in the interview. Avoid sounding unscrupulous at all costs.

6. 'I was fired, but it wasn't my fault'

Don't make excuses for everything they question. They'll quickly become suspicious.

7. 'I can do anything' or, 'I can be that person'

You don't want to come across like you're just saying what you think the interviewer wants to hear. Just be yourself.

8. 'Do you do background checks?'

This one may also make the interviewer suspicious. They might think you're hiding something form them.

9. 'I've been going through a hard time'

It's totally inappropriate to allude to personal hardship in a job interview. You'll sound like you're just trying to manipulate the interviewer into giving you the gig.

10. 'I always' or, 'I've never' or, 'I've done that a million times'

Making generalizations or exaggerating is something so many of us do without even realizing. But if you do it too much in a job interview, the hiring manager won't know what to believe and might think you're being dishonest.

11. 'This is the one and only job I'm interested in!'

Okay, so this may be true - but don't oversell or exaggerate your interest in a company. Acting too excited about the opportunity may raise red flags and cause them to doubt your sincerity.